OSLO, NORWAY – 1. February 2022: Microbiome DX company Genetic Analysis AS (“GA” or “the Company”) announces that the Company has successfully completed the development and CE-marking of the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test for the Luminex MAGPIX® instrument system. Today the Company proudly launches GA-map® on a new platform; MAGPIX®.
The MAGPIX® instrument is the most affordable instrument of the Luminex’s xMAP® instruments and it enables up to 50 plex using MagPlex® Microspheres. The MAGPIX® system is already a widely used platform and a large number of laboratories have already installed this system for performing other tests.
To launch the GA-map® Test on a new readout system will capture the large number of labs already having the system installed, and thus be of great importance for significantly increasing the addressable market for our high precision GA-map® Microbiome test. The more affordable MAGPIX® system will also increase the market size for GA in terms of lowering the cost barrier to install the test platform. Potential customers have for some years asked for GA-map® on the MAGPIX® instrument system and GA has now completed the develop and CE-marked the GA-map® Test on this well-known and easy to use instrument.
To launch the GA-map® Test on a new readout system will capture the large number of labs already having the system installed, and thus be of great importance for significantly increasing the addressable market for our high precision GA-map® Microbiome test. The more affordable MAGPIX® system will also increase the market size for GA in terms of lowering the cost barrier to install the test platform. Potential customers have for some years asked for GA-map® on the MAGPIX® instrument system and GA has now completed the develop and CE-marked the GA-map® Test on this well-known and easy to use instrument.
This will complement GA’s current offering on the Luminex LX200 instrument, and GA now has the potential to offer our GA-map® platform also to the thousands of diagnostics labs globally that are running these high quality MAGPIX® instruments.
The human microbiome market is accelerating both in terms of evidence-based research and pharma products launched. The market’s need for a clinical validated microbiome test is growing with this market. Thus, the news today that more clinical labs can start microbiome testing with GA-map® on MAGPIX® will fuel this growth and create more business opportunities.
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