Research on gastrointestinal infection on COVID-19

Research on gastrointestinal infection on COVID-19. (January 2021)

The National Competence Service for Functional Gastrointestinal Diseases (NKFM) has
together with Genetic Analysis AS (GA) started a research project in patients with a proven
COVID-19 infection. The aim of the project is to gain new knowledge about gastrointestinal
infection as a result of COVID-19 infection and to investigate whether the composition of
intestinal bacteria and their metabolites can protect against or lead to an increased probability
of gastrointestinal infection/post-infectious IBS, due to COVID-19.
In collaboration with GA, the research group has developed a specific test for the virus in
fecal samples. GA will perform microbiota analysis using the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test by
measuring the presence of the virus, the composition of intestinal bacteria and how the bacteria
composition of COVID-19-positives deviate from a healthy composition.