How to use your subscription rights

Tradable subscription rights available until 22.12.2023 at 12: 00 CET

Genetic Analysis AS has issued subscription rights (ticker: GEAN TR named “Genetic Analysis TR”) that are tradable in the period starting 11.12.2023 and ending 22.12.2023 at 12:00 CET.

Please read the information memorandum and the teaser before investing.

You are also invited to read relevant information related to an investment opportunity in Genetic Analysis AS at:

Genetic Analysis AS – Sedermera Corporate Finance

How to use your subscription rights?

You are invited to use the subscription form in Swedish language below for subscribing to GEAN shares using your subscription rights.

If domiciled in Norway, you may also use the digital subscription form at Euronext Securities (former VPS) at the following address: